Thursday, October 15, 2009

Koshercool(tm) Kid

by, Linda Korn

Sukkot with a two-year-old can add challenge to the idea of dwelling in the sukkah. Try to keep a two-year-old boy in one square room with not much more than a table and chairs for more than a few minutes, and you'll know what I mean. Go ahead, hang his adorable sukkot artwork on the sukkah walls to intrigue him. His apple and honey painting from Rosh Hashonnah, his decorated paper shofar, his etrog and glued together paper lulav all lift the level of excitement... for a few minutes. Then, it's out the sukkah opening after balls, tricycles and other more exciting outdoor toys.

Well, it could have gone this way. That does describe our two-year-old son much of the time, but there's one toddler that was enjoying the sukkah as much as anyone. His new favorite song is "Horachamon, hu yokim lonu, et sukas david hanofeles..." Proud of the sukkah his Abba built, up late into the evening, schmoozing with our guests at the table in the sukkah, shaking his lulav every day- north, south, east, west, up and down, our little guy may just be the epitome of Sukkot itself. He's still singing the song and talking about Sukkot almost a week later.

The time of our joy, recognizing hashem's blessings, loving all jews, feeling hashem's presence among us at all times... sometimes it takes a two-year-old to show you just how to get there.

Though many of us feel the stress of the holidays culminating in sukkot and simchat torah ( I know I did), we can always feel the joy of Hashem's blessings and gifts when we sit in the sukkah with joyful family and friends. Thank you to our sweet one for his holy light. You're a koshercool (tm) kid!

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